We haven't been wrong yet.. please listen
ITMX is a boutique MX service, customized to fit your needs. Contact us today to get started.
ITMX is a boutique MX service, customized to fit your needs. Contact us today to get started.
We haven't been wrong yet.. please listen
“If you don't have a clear vision of where you want to go, you're just drifting around. You could have the best jet in the world, but if the pilot doesn't have a destination, you'll just fly in circles and eventually crash” - Arnold Schwarzenegger
So here’s the deal with the camps.
Sick of getting arm pump, but don’t know how to treat the issue? Try some of these tips!
Thinking about hopping on the SX or AX track for the first time? Give this a peak before you head out, just a few things to keep in mind.
Adjusting your grip on the bars sounds so simple, but can it really make much of a difference? You be the judge!
Learn this winning 3 step process, and why is it crucial to complete before you can move onto speed work? We break it down this week but, keep it hush it’s our secret formula to get you faster! :)
How often should you ride? This had a huge effect on racing; imagine if you always raced just like you practiced, you’d do pretty good most of the time wouldn’t you?
Avoiding injuries. Where would you be if you could progress .01% every day for the next 3 years? We have the answer here!
Prepare for track conditions. Don’t get caught up in looking for the best tracks around to ride, what do I mean? Read more here.
Have you heard about this new track WW ranch? Here’s what we think.
Find out why our program works on all levels of riders, and what truly drives this brand we call “ITMX”
You will hear almost every successful figure talk about the importance of goal setting, but what’s the big deal, do your goals align with your vision, and what is the difference between your goals and your vision? This is gold.
The starting line is the only place on the track where you can gain or lose 20+ positions in one area what does your program look like when it comes to starts? Find out what we do!
Find out why you often see riders get hurt right after coming back from injuries or long breaks off the bike. We talk about how you should ease back into your program after taking some time off. Just because you feel “great” doesn’t mean it’s to go “pinned”
What is your relationship like with your family at the track?
This may help..
What effort should you ride at to make the most progress, and how can you reduce the risk of injury while progressing as much as possible? In this article we talk about practicing at a different pace, how and why it works.
What are you doing to prime your mind before your big race, and are you working on it daily? In this article we offer some simple tips to help you master that race pace or how get over those race day jitters
Having trouble when you show up to race? In this article we take a closer look into the skill behind racing itself. Being a good racer requires more than just being fast. I think anyone looking for extra help that struggles to pull it together for the race will find this helpful.
Lets take a more in depth look into creating and maintaining your own traction