Coming back from injuries/long breaks

Coming back from injuries/long breaks

Coming back from injuries/long breaks

So let’s say you’ve been off the bike for 3-4 weeks+ you can’t wait to get back out there. Even if you feel 100% you should ALWAYS take it really slow when coming back from a long break or an injury no matter how great you feel, this goes along with my strong belief on why I think the 80% theory works so well, If you pay close attention to riders, injuries usually occur when coming back from another injury. The risk is usually higher because you just aren’t 100% in the mind. Whether its physiological or physical it’s really hard to say, but there is no harm in taking the first week or 2 riding 80%  and just being conscious of itcan make a difference.  You should avoid any “race pace” riding for at least a month. You’ll know when you are feeling “yourself” again. One way to also judge this is to pay attention to the mistakes you are making. Sometimes having someone else watch you to judge this can also be beneficial as they may be able to see some things you may not. So, next time you take more than 3-4 weeks off of riding use the 80% theory when getting back to yourself to avoid another injury. Don’t get discouraged if you missed a few weeks of riding either as sometimes some time off can have its benefits as well. Staying healthy is the game you are really playing when trying to maximize you true potential. STAY SAFE



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