ITMX is a boutique MX service, customized to fit your needs. Contact us today to get started.
ITMX is a boutique MX service, customized to fit your needs. Contact us today to get started.
Which class do i choose?
We split our camps up into two groups one group per day, which we will list below if you are confused to as which level rider you are this should help clarify any confusion you have.
Beginner- We consider anyone with (Less than 3 years of riding experience a Beginner rider), meaning you don’t ride/race regularly yet and are looking to improve your technique and become a safer rider (you mainly ride for fun)
**All bike sizes welcome here**
Intermediate/A- we recommend any rider with more than 3 years of riding experience to sign up for the Intermediate A (3+ years of experience) class. You race & practice regularly and looking to fine-tune your speed, we consider you an (Intermediate A) rider
**This group of riders is for 65cc+ bikes only**